I want to add inner joinin which "IsParcelAllotment='N' " and where i have to apply
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[store procedure name] @SData nvarchar(50), @ID bigint, @DID int , @User varchar(50) AS BEGIN SELECT [RowID] ,[FID] ,[IID] ,[IsComplete] ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),comm_Table1.CreateDate,103) as CreateDate ,comm_Table1.ChangeDate ,[CurrentStatus] ,[StatusDate] FROM [MedleaprLab].[dbo].[comm_Table1] where FID like '%'+@SData+'%' and IID=@IID and [DID]=@DivisionID and CurrentHOD=@User and FID not in (select top 1 FID from comm_Table2 where FID like '%'+@SData+'%' and IsParcelAllotment='Y' ) and FID not in( select FNo from ( select isnull(COALESCE(RDetails,PDetail,PaDetail,EDetail,NWhom,pdetail,cdetail,ahod),0) as Value,FslCaseNo from Table3 ) as temp where Value <> 1 ) END