Netaji Junghari

Netaji Junghari

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Infopath Form - Drop-Down Validation

Aug 26 2021 7:41 AM

Hi All,

I am trying to create a infopath form.

There is a drop-down control where entered manually all drop-down values.

Ex: 1-100

and publish the form to SP Library. So, right now in SP library there is no record.

i want to put validation on Drop-Down control.

If i select from drop-down 1-10 (value)  and submit the record in SP library . so now total10 records available in SP Library.

User wants to submit the form . User select 5 (value) from drop down and click on submit then error should be display as this record already submitted .

In SP library only unique value shpild be there.


Any help, Thanks !