Mohammad Saad

Mohammad Saad

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Inconveniencing with Mdiparent while updating Mdiparent after Load

Aug 29 2010 10:47 PM



I just want to enable menus of Menu Strip on MdiParent after Load Mdi Form, using a child form button click event.

I disabled (Enable = false) those menus by default. And in case of Child form's condition comes true, and then I've to turn on/Enable those menus.

Problem is that once MdiParent form is loaded, then I provide true value/enablev = true  to MdiParent's menus. In result; menus got true value but didn't implement or can say Mdi didn't get update. I also used MdiPraent.Refresh() &

Many other things but it couldn't solve. I need assistance (Thank You)

Answers (1)