Paul Rajs

Paul Rajs

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Implement Mathematic Formulas like (+,-,*) on Running time i

Nov 1 2016 7:33 AM
Hi Developers,
i want to Calculate value between one or more than one GridView Footer Template Textbox .
and also display the Sum in a Label on Running Time.
In my Project i need to Implement Mathematic Formulas like (Addition , Subtraction & Multiplication) on Running time.I have done this Manual TextBox and Labels.
But this time i want that the Same Mathematic Formulas like (Addition , Subtraction & Multiplication) on Running time Within GridView Footer Template
Make Calculation Between two or more than two text boxes and display it a label on Running time.
Also i need to done this task GridView Edit( Edit item Template).
I am want this only on Client Side.Server side i have already done.
i am trying with via google.
if anyone know how to done my requirement please suggest me to i am done this task.
thanks with
Prayer through , Impossible becomes HimPossible

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