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Image to fit in asp page

Jan 17 2018 7:08 AM
I am displaying image from a folder using an asp image control in a timer.The image doest not correctly fit into the screen like it gets vertical and hortizontal scroll bars.
aspx code
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="BannerPanel" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" >
<asp:Timer ID="Timer1" runat="server" OnTick="Timer1_Tick" Interval="5000" Enabled="false" >
<asp:Button ID="btnDisplay" runat="server" Text="Display " OnClick="btnDisplay_Click" />
<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" style="width: 100%;" />
code behind
string localstr = Server.MapPath("~//bin//Images//"+ Filename );
Byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(localstr);
string base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
Image1.ImageUrl = "data:image/" + ext + ";base64," + base64String;

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