Aug 4 2004 1:06 PM
how do i coonect an ilist to the datagrid. Here the code i have wrriten but u get the length of the value in the ilist insted of the actual value in the ilist. private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { myilist ilist = new myilist(); ilist.Add((string) "Test"); ilist.Add((string) "Test1"); ilist.Add((string) "Test22"); this.dataGrid1.SetDataBinding(ilist,""); } } class myilist:CollectionBase { public int Add(string value) { return(List.Add(value)); } protected override void OnValidate( Object value ) { if ( value.GetType() != Type.GetType("System.String") ) throw new ArgumentException( "value must be of type string." ); }