Aamir Khan

Aamir Khan

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Idenity key value(primary key) send to another Table as Foreign key

Jun 25 2012 2:20 AM
Hi friends,
i have one table named Proj_KitDetls in which there is a Column named Id which is Identity key & primary key.and another table named Proj_kitInvDetls in which i m saving the Identity key of Proj_KitDetls as Foreign key,
but i am not able to set the values in Proj_kitInvDetls.
example: in Proj_KitDetls tables values are set in DB like this:

86,4,CASS30KIT90,Combo Kit,10

Proj_kitInvDetls another table has value like this:

the value 86 is not getting set in place of 8 in Table Proj_kitInvDetls.

need help

Answers (2)