Gaurav Kapahi

Gaurav Kapahi

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I wanted to Call two partialview on one dropdown in MVC C#

Oct 26 2013 3:46 AM
PartialView1 For DropDown from Which We have to call Two Partial

@model XYZWebReports.Models.XYZ
@using (Ajax.BeginForm("LoadCompbyMatchType", "ICC", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "Comp" }))
            m => m.SelectedMatchTypeId,
            new MultiSelectList(ViewBag.MatchType, "MatchTypeID", "MatchTypeName"),
            "Select a Match Type",new { Multiple = "multiple", @class = "select", style = "width: 200px"}


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(".select").multiselect().multiselectfilter( );
          multiple: false,
          header: "Select an option",
          noneSelectedText: "Select an Option",
          selectedList: 1
    $('#SelectedMatchTypeId').change(function ()


PartialView2 of Second Dropdown Which I am Updating By PartiaView1

@model XYZWebReports.Models.XYZ

@if (ViewBag.Comp != null)
    using (Ajax.BeginForm("LoadMatchbyComp", "ICC", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "Match" }))
    @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.SelectedYearId)
     @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.SelectedReportId)
    @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.SelectedMatchTypeId)

            m => m.SelectedCompId,
            new SelectList(ViewBag.Comp,"CompetitionID", "CompetitionName"),
            new { Multiple = "multiple", @class = "multiselect", style = "width: 200px"}

            m => m.SelectedCompId,
           new SelectList(Enumerable.Empty<SelectListItem>(),"CompetitionID", "CompetitionName"),
            new { Multiple = "multiple", @class = "multiselect", style = "width: 200px"}

<script type="text/javascript">

        filter: function (event, matches) {
            if (!matches.length) {
                // do something

    $('#SelectedCompId').change(function ()

PartialView3 in which we are showing what all I selected In PartialView1

@if (ViewBag.MatchTypeInfo != null && ViewBag.MatchTypeInfo != "")
        <label> Selected Match Type: @ViewBag.MatchTypeInfo </label>


        public ActionResult LoadCompbyMatchType(IEnumerable<string> SelectedMatchTypeId)
            SelectedMatchType = "";
            if (SelectedMatchTypeId != null)
                MatchTypesb.Append(string.Join(",", SelectedMatchTypeId));
            SelectedMatchType = MatchTypesb.ToString();

            Session["MatchType"] = SelectedMatchType;

            string y, r, mt;

            mt = Session["MatchType"].ToString();

            var SelectedMatchTypeName = _db.SP_GetMatchTypeById(mt);

            List<SelectListItem> obj = new List<SelectListItem>();

            foreach (var item in SelectedMatchTypeName)
                var result = new SelectListItem();
                result.Text = item.MatchTypeName.ToString();
                result.Value = item.MatchTypeID.ToString();

            string MatchTypeInfo = Selectedvalue(obj);

            ViewBag.MatchTypeInfo = MatchTypeInfo;

            y = Session["Year"].ToString();
            if (Session["MatchType"].ToString() != null && Session["Year"].ToString() != null)
            ViewBag.Comp = _db.SP_GETCOMPETITIONS(Session["MatchType"].ToString(), Session["Year"].ToString()).ToList();

            return PartialView("CompetitionPartial");

I wanted to show selected values from PartialView1 Dropdown to Both partial at one clickof first dropdown, Please help me in same

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