mostafa saeed

mostafa saeed

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i use Stored procedure to send sms arabic it send as ???????

May 14 2019 8:51 AM
i use Stored procedure to send sms
when sms message english it send prefectly
but when i change message to arabic it send as question mark ???????/
create procedure [dbo].[pr_SendSmsSQL] @MobileNo varchar(12), @smstext as varchar(300), @sResponse varchar(1000) OUT as BEGIN Declare @iReq int,@hr int Declare @sUrl as varchar(500) DECLARE @errorSource VARCHAR(8000) DECLARE @errorDescription VARCHAR(8000) -- Create Object for XMLHTTP EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP', @iReq OUT print @hr if @hr <> 0 Raiserror('sp_OACreate Microsoft.XMLHTTP FAILED!', 16, 1) set @sUrl='' set @sUrl=REPLACE(@sUrl,'#MobNo#',@MobileNo) set @sUrl=REPLACE(@sUrl,'#Msg#',@smstext) print @sUrl -- sms code start EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @iReq, 'Open', NULL, 'GET', @sUrl, true print @hr if @hr <> 0 Raiserror('sp_OAMethod Open FAILED!', 16, 1) EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @iReq, 'send' select @iReq print @hr if @hr <> 0 Begin EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @iReq, @errorSource OUTPUT, @errorDescription OUTPUT SELECT [Error Source] = @errorSource, [Description] = @errorDescription Raiserror('sp_OAMethod Send FAILED!', 16, 1) end else Begin EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @iReq,'responseText', @sResponse OUT print @hr insert into send_log (Id, mobile, sendtext, response, created, createddate) values(0, @MobileNo, @smstext, @sResponse, 'System', GETDATE()) end end

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