selvi subramanian

selvi subramanian

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i need to throw error and at a time i need to show

Sep 21 2012 6:42 AM
i need to throw error and at a time i need to show another view (use multiview) my code is 

but it throw error at time it never go to view2.
i never enter any thing in textbox it shows error but i need the value and i select in dropdown as new and i need to show the view
i need both at a time

 protected void ddlprojectname_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //ddlprojectname.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "return sss()");
        MultiView1.Visible = true;


source code

validation code
function sss()
var sure=document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_TextBox8").value;
alert("Enter Suresh");
return false;