ahmed elbarbary

ahmed elbarbary

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I need to make crystal report group by category vertically display act

Feb 10 2025 3:37 PM

I am working on a Crystal Report and facing an issue. I cannot make

every cell in the categories have multiple activities vertically , so each category

needs to have multiple activities with row spans.


csharp code
    public bool GET_REGISTER_DATA_Report(string P_REQ_ID)
        MyDatabase db = new MyDatabase();
        RptGET_REGISTER_DATA_Report cr = new RptGET_REGISTER_DATA_Report();
        var ds = db.GET_REGISTER_DATA_Report(P_REQ_ID);
        var P_REGISTER_ACTS = ds.Tables["P_REGISTER_ACTS"];


        CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr;
        cr.PrintOptions.NoPrinter = false;
        return true;


desired design I need