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I need a great logic for three forms

Dec 21 2016 7:32 PM
I have three forms (frm1, frm2 and frm3).
The frm1 is the main form. I need when open the frm2, the frm1 should be always open (just because it's the main from one). When I finish to use the frm2 I can go to frm3 without seeing my frm1 be closed. But I would like when I close the frm2 then later the frm3. It's should be closed totally (not hide). But the frm1 still open (only close when I want).
See what I do try to do. But nothing. I went also to google... Many logic doesnt help me.
/////I open the frm2////////////// But the frm1 still open at the back
frm2 password = new frm2();
/////Later I click on a button to get in frm3. The frm2 should close totally//// 
frm3 finance = new frm3();
This.Close()//This is for the form2. Then when I finish to use the form3 I can close and I need to see the main form (frm1) open.
Small think but I can not resolv it properly. Please I need help. Thank you. 

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