narasiman man

narasiman man

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I have two fields as follows?

Jun 22 2012 7:30 AM
   I have two fields as follows

 Lease Effective From   in datetimepicker 8/5/2010

 Lease Renewal Due On in datetimepicker 7/4/2011

 i want to remind the lease renewal is only three month.i want to give pop up message.

i post the above you given the answer.

Answer as follows


if (DateTime.Today <= dateTimePicker2.Value && DateTime.Today.AddMonths(3) >= dateTimePicker2.Value)
   MessageBox("Please note that the lease is due to be renewed on " + dateTimePicker2.ToShortDateString());

in code part where to write the above code.please tell me

Narasiman P

Answers (3)