Vinod Kumar

Vinod Kumar

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i have one url of japan when i my craweling the site then give problem of encode the reponse url is

Feb 6 2013 4:20 AM
 HttpWebRequest webReq = null;

            HttpWebResponse webRes = null;

            webReq = (HttpWebRequest)(WebRequest.Create(""));


            webRes = (HttpWebResponse)webReq.GetResponse();

            Stream resStream = webRes.GetResponseStream();

            String strResponse = resStream.ToString();

            string Result = string.Empty;

            StringBuilder StrgBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            byte[] Buffer = new byte[8192];

            int Count = 0;


                Count = resStream.Read(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length);

                if (Count != 0)

                    Result = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Buffer, 0, Count);



            } while (Count > 0);

            Result = StrgBuilder.ToString();

            // Result = Regex.Replace(Result, "<HEAD>", "<HEAD> <base href=\"\">", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            ////StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("C://yahoo.html", false, Encoding.UTF8);

            return Result;