prabha haran

prabha haran

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i have four radio button i have to generate a code based on

Apr 15 2017 3:22 AM
i have radio button TP and TR
when i select TP my code should be KNC/TP/1 in my text box serially
when i select TR my code should be KNC/TR/1 in my text box and save in database
my code is
string selectedval = rbl.SelectedValue;
txticode.Text = objDataAccess.Autoid("select top 1(InstrumentID) from Tbl_Instrument order by InstrumentID desc", "KNC/TR/");

if (selectedval == "TP")
txticode.Text = objDataAccess.Autoid("select top 1(InstrumentID) from Tbl_Instrument order by InstrumentID desc", "KNC/TP/");

if (selectedval == "SP")
txticode.Text = objDataAccess.Autoid("select top 1(InstrumentID) from Tbl_Instrument order by InstrumentID desc", "KNC/SP/");

if (selectedval == "IN")
txticode.Text = objDataAccess.Autoid("select top 1(InstrumentID) from Tbl_Instrument order by InstrumentID desc", "KNC/IN/");


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