Harish Batchu

Harish Batchu

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I have an issue when retrieving data from database and bind

Oct 15 2018 12:05 AM
 I have an issue when retrieving data from database and bind into gridview
ISelectedDataKey = 'Gridview By month.SelectedDataKey' threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' 
select IncomeType,UserIncomeDetail_Amount from ft_UserIncomeDetail inner join Dim_IncomeType on ft_UserIncomeDetail.IncomeType_Id=Dim_IncomeType.IncomeType_id where MONTH(UserIncomeDetail_Date) = @month and ft_UserIncomeDetail.User_Uniq=@Uuniq;
in above command i am passing the integer value like month having like 09,08  when executing command prompt it getting data but when selecting month from dropdownlist it's throwing error  pls fix it 

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