I work on entity framework 7 asp.net core razor page . I get exception error when insert
data into ZebraSubPrinters from entity framework to SQL server table
I get exception error SqlException: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'ZebraSubPrinters' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
table ZebraSubPrinters have ID as identity column
public class ZebraSubPrinters { public decimal ID { get; set; } public string BranchCode { get; set; } public string DisplayName { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } public string PrinterName { get; set; } public string PrinterIP { get; set; } public bool IsActive { get; set; } = true; }
generic repository used for insert and save data
public virtual TEntity Insert(TEntity entity) { var result = dbSet.AddAsync(entity).Result.Entity; return result; } public void Save() { try { _basecontext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
Function that do insert and save using generic repository :
public void InsertZebraSubPrinters(ZebraSubPrinters printer) { ZebraSubPrinters ZEB = new ZebraSubPrinters(); ZEB.IsActive = printer.IsActive; ZEB.PrinterName = printer.PrinterName; ZEB.PrinterIP = printer.PrinterIP; ZEB.Category = printer.Category; ZEB.DisplayName = printer.DisplayName; ZEB.BranchCode = printer.BranchCode; aDCSupportUnitOfWork.ZebraSubPrinters.Insert(ZEB); aDCSupportUnitOfWork.ZebraSubPrinters.Save(); }
SQL profiler generated error for insert statement above as below:
exec sp_executesql N'SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS OFF; SET NOCOUNT ON; INSERT INTO [ZebraSubPrinters] ([ID], [BranchCode], [Category], [CreatedBy], [CreatedDate], [DisplayName], [IsActive], [PrinterIP], [PrinterName], [SavedDate], [UpdatedBy], [UpdatedDate]) VALUES (@p0, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6, @p7, @p8, @p9, @p10, @p11); ',N'@p0 decimal(18,2),@p1 nvarchar(4000),@p2 nvarchar(4000),@p3 nvarchar(4000),@p4 datetime2(7),@p5 nvarchar(4000),@p6 bit,@p7 nvarchar(4000),@p8 nvarchar(4000),@p9 datetime2(7),@p10 nvarchar(4000),@p11 datetime2(7)',@p0=0,@p1=N'10207',@p2=N'Green',@p3=NULL,@p4='0001-01-01 00:00:00',@p5=N'TANTAWY',@p6=1,@p7=NULL,@p8=NULL,@p9='0001-01-01 00:00:00',@p10=NULL,@p11='0001-01-01 00:00:00'
How to solve and prevent this error from happen when inserting?