ahmed salah

ahmed salah

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I can't pass role and file from action to action using hidden field

Jan 9 2024 9:31 PM

I work on asp.net mvc . i face issue when pass user role and User code

from IndexResignation action to PendingManagersRequests action using

session because it share values between browsers .

so How to use another way instead of session as hidden field .

public ActionResult IndexResignation(string filenumber)
     int employeeFileNo;
     string userRole;

     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filenumber))
         if (int.TryParse(filenumber, out employeeFileNo))
             JDEUtility jde = new JDEUtility();
             userRole = Workforce.ResignationGetUserRole(employeeFileNo);

                 Session[SessionKeys.UserCode] = employeeFileNo;
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userRole))
                 Session[SessionKeys.RoleCode] = userRole;
             if (userRole == RoleKey.LM || userRole == RoleKey.DM || userRole == RoleKey.LDM)
                 return RedirectToAction("PendingManagersRequests", "Resignation", null);

             ViewBag.errorMsg = "incorrect file no";
         ViewBag.errorMsg = "unauthorized user";
     return View();

     public async Task<ActionResult> PendingManagersRequests(string msg, string errorMsg)
        // how to pass user role and user code to action PendingManager


can you show me view and action what will be if i use hidden fields ?

Index resignation action not have view

PendingMangerRequest action have view

Answers (2)