petre ricardo

petre ricardo

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I cannot check all the ChildNodes in my ParentNode?

Nov 1 2009 1:47 AM

I ahve create a TreeView Control wiht check boxes:
I have created a parent Tree Node as:

TreeNode parentNode = new TreeNode("Departments");

Then i have added four childNodes

for(int i=0; i< 4; i++)
   TreeNode childNode = new TreeNode(i.ToString());

Then i need to check all the childsNodes if parentNode is Checked so....

private void tvDepartments_AfterCheck(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
if (e.Node.Name.ToString() == "parentNode")
foreach (TreeNode item in e.Node.Nodes)
item.Checked =

The problem is that the control woudlnt go into the if statement... How do i fix this?

Answers (2)