Ali Alshihry

Ali Alshihry

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I can not read all Barcode fonts

Apr 12 2018 5:28 PM

I'm using OnBarcode SDK and I wrote the following code to read barcode fonts, but it does not read all the barcode fonts. For example, it fails to read the font IDAutomationHC39M2.

That's my current code:

int i = 1;  String[] barcodes = BarcodeScanner.Scan(filenamet.Text, BarcodeType.Code39 |  BarcodeType.Code128 | BarcodeType.All | BarcodeType.Codabar);  foreach (string element in barcodes) {     decoded += i + "**{ " + element + " }**" + "\r\n";     i += 1; }  MessageBox.Show(decoded); 

Are there any libraries that need to be added to the project to recognize barcode fonts?

Answers (2)