Aisha Srivastava

Aisha Srivastava

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html table in C#

Jan 15 2015 8:00 AM
Hi ,
1. Want to merge cells in table in Windows form and i am using mhtml table...
code for merge cell  right and down.
2.  split table 
 code-for insert table...
public void TableInsertPrompt()
// if user has selected a table create a reference
mshtmlTable table = GetFirstControl() as mshtmlTable;
private void ProcessTablePrompt(mshtmlTable table)
using (TablePropertyForm dialog = new TablePropertyForm())
// define the base set of table properties
HtmlTableProperty tableProperties = GetTableProperties(table);
// set the dialog properties
dialog.TableProperties = tableProperties;
// based on the user interaction perform the neccessary action
if (dialog.ShowDialog(this.ParentForm) == DialogResult.OK)
tableProperties = dialog.TableProperties;
if (table == null) TableInsert(tableProperties);
else ProcessTable(table, tableProperties);
} // ProcessTablePrompt
Help is really appreciated............

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