Arijeet Ghosh

Arijeet Ghosh

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how would c# app communicate with sqlexpress only through port...?

Apr 11 2022 8:56 AM

how would c# app communicate with sqlexpress only through port...? Without useing general namespace.

for example to connect to sqlexpress if you use ODBC then you would include the namespace System.Data.ODBC. Instead of using this namespace if you use System.Diagnostics namespace and in a command button you write Process.Start("odbcad32.exe"); then ODBC Dialog box is shown and you could create a dsn and connect to the SqlDb.

This process may not be used generally. But this is a way you could connect to sqlexpress.

got my point....i want not to connect with sqlexpress using general namespaces(where you code less due to classes provided by microsoft. I want the new way how we can connect a database

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