satheesh babu

satheesh babu

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How to write an event in using vb code(windows application)

May 6 2009 4:52 AM
Hi all,

here i am giving vb code below.

Object = "{FE9DED34-E159-408E-8490-B720A5E632C7}#1.0#0"; "zkemkeeper.dll"

Begin zkemkeeperCtl.CZKEM CZKEM1
Height = 615
Left = 0
OleObjectBlob = "FormMain.frx":0096
TabIndex = 12
Top = 0
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 615

Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRestartDevice
Caption = "RestartDevice"
Height = 375
Left = 4080
TabIndex = 21
Top = 5040
Width = 1575

Private Sub cmdRestartDevice_Click()
frm2.CZKEM1.RestartDevice CInt(frm2.txtMachNum.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub CZKEM1_OnHIDNum(ByVal CardNumber As Long)
MsgBox CStr(CardNumber)
End Sub

In the above code i am getting success fully the cmdRestartDevice_Click() event.

But i am not getting CZKEM1_OnHIDNum(ByVal CardNumber As Long) this event.

Means i think(custom control) this CZKEM1 is created in the above code with begin and end.

How can we create that custom control in for windows application.

Please help me out...

thank you....