satheesh babu

satheesh babu

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How to use visual basic 6.0 active x control in my 2.0 web form?

Jul 1 2009 6:30 AM
Hi all,

Here i am working on a website with 2.0 and here i need to integrate access card machine with my website. so for this i have visual basic 6.0 activeX control in the form of dll for using methods and events to speak with acces card machine.

Now my query is how to use that dll in my web form and then how to use those methods and events of that activeX control.

I did some thing in

1.I registered that dll in my computer using regsvr32.
2.I added reference in my solution explorer.
3.I wrote name spaces for that dll.
4.I created an object to that dll ,below is the code

using zkemkeeper;

namespace AccessCard
public partial class Form1 : Form
int vMachineNumber = 1;
CZKEM kem1 = new CZKEM();

public Form1()

private void btnRestart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
long crdno;
if (kem1.Connect_Net("", 4370))
MessageBox.Show("device connected");
MessageBox.Show("NO device connected");
kem1.RestartDevice(vMachineNumber);//to restart the device

upto this i am executing fine.

but i want access the events of that activeX control also.

How can i achieve this....

Please help me out...

its very important to me....