I work on entity framework core 7 . I face issue I can't do or use union on entity framework core instead of use union on sql server
so i have view contain or return collect of unions as below
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vDsales] AS SELECT sldate, id, sdate, till, cashier, trnno, brcode, itemno, qty, price, amt, itemflag, stime FROM NewSaleNAV.dbo.dsales WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE sldate >= '2023-01-01' UNION SELECT sldate, id, sdate, till, cashier, trnno, brcode, itemno, qty, price, amt, itemflag FROM NewSaleNAV01.dbo.dsales WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE sldate >= '2023-01-01' UNION SELECT sldate, id, sdate, till, cashier, trnno, brcode, itemno, qty FROM NewSaleNAV_Arc22.dbo.dsales WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE sldate >= '2022-01-01' UNION SELECT sldate, id, sdate, till, cashier, trnno, brcode, itemno, qty FROM NewSaleNAV01_Arc22.dbo.dsales WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE sldate >= '2022-01-01'
How to convert multi statement union to entity framework core by write statement above with LINQ to sql
my class will return data as below
public class vDsales { public DateTime sldate { get; set; } public int id { get; set; } public DateTime sdate { get; set; } public int till { get; set; } public int cashier { get; set; } public int trnno { get; set; } public int brcode { get; set; } public int itemno { get; set; } public int qty { get; set; } public decimal price { get; set; } public decimal amt { get; set; } public int itemflag { get; set; } public int stime { get; set; } }