Devendra  Kumar

Devendra Kumar

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how to use split function with inner join

Jun 20 2016 7:33 AM
hello friend please help :
i will create a function for split then i want to use this function in another query  with inner join  but how to solve this query any method
SELECT *, b.Price,c.Qty,b.Price_Updated_by,tbl_size.size_id,, a.Category_Name,
when b.Price_Updated_by = 'Product' then b.Price*c.Qty else a.cat_price*c.Qty end as[TotalPrice],
case when b.Price_Updated_by = 'Product' then b.Price else a.cat_price end as[amountValue]
,ROW_NUMBER() over (ORDER BY B.ProductId) AS itemCount,
FROM Tbl_Products b
cross apply dbo.split(b.sizeid,',') split
INNER JOIN tbl_size ON tbl_size.size_id = split.val
inner join Tbl_Category a on a.Category_Id= b.Category_fkid
inner join dbo.Tbl_MyCart c on b.ProductId=c.Product_Fkid
where c.SessionId='wrdme1yfvdy4zew4viliz2rj'
 i want to  
cross apply dbo.split(b.sizeid,',') split this query with inner join how get it 

Answers (2)