ahmed elbarbary

ahmed elbarbary

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How to use save button to make save in both cases insert and

Jan 6 2019 5:59 PM
How to use save button in Create Action to make save in both cases insert and update using repository pattern ?
and what changes i will make in view to accept update and insert .
what i writing is when make new record or update record then use save button it will save using create action in employee controller using HTTP post
I use Repository Pattern generics in visual studio 2017 asp.net core 2.1 with sql server 2012
  1. public class EmployeesController : Controller  
  2. {  
  3. private readonly IEmployees _context;  
  4. public EmployeesController(IEmployees context)  
  5. {  
  6. _context = context;  
  7. }  
  8. [HttpPost]  
  9. public IActionResult Create()  
  10. {  
  11. return View();  
  12. }  
create view
  1. <form asp-action="Create">  
  2. <div class="form-group">  
  3. <label asp-for="EmployeeId" class="control-label"></label>  
  4. <input asp-for="EmployeeId" class="form-control" />  
  5. <span asp-validation-for="EmployeeId" class="text-danger"></span>  
  6. </div>  
  7. <div class="form-group">  
  8. <label asp-for="BranchCode" class="control-label"></label>  
  9. <input asp-for="BranchCode" class="form-control" />  
  10. <span asp-validation-for="BranchCode" class="text-danger"></span>  
  11. </div>  
  12. <div class="form-group">  
  13. <label asp-for="EmployeeName" class="control-label"></label>  
  14. <input asp-for="EmployeeName" class="form-control" />  
  15. <span asp-validation-for="EmployeeName" class="text-danger"></span>  
  16. </div>  
  17. <button id="BtnSave" style="display:inline">Save</button>  
  18. </form>  
  19. </div>  
  20. </div>  
  1. namespace TAB.Data.InfraStructure  
  2. {  
  3. public class EFRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class  
  4. {  
  5. protected TabDbContext _context { getset; }  
  6. public EFRepository(TabDbContext context)  
  7. {  
  8. _context = context;  
  9. }  
  10. public virtual T Add(T t)  
  11. {  
  12. _context.Set<T>().Add(t);  
  13. _context.SaveChanges();  
  14. return t;  
  15. }  
  16. public virtual async Task<T> AddAsyn(T t)  
  17. {  
  18. _context.Set<T>().Add(t);  
  19. await _context.SaveChangesAsync();  
  20. return t;  
  21. }  
  22. public virtual T Find(Expression<Func<T, bool>> match)  
  23. {  
  24. return _context.Set<T>().SingleOrDefault(match);  
  25. }  
  26. public virtual async Task<T> FindAsync(Expression<Func<T, bool>> match)  
  27. {  
  28. return await _context.Set<T>().SingleOrDefaultAsync(match);  
  29. }  
  30. public ICollection<T> FindAll(Expression<Func<T, bool>> match)  
  31. {  
  32. return _context.Set<T>().Where(match).ToList();  
  33. }  
  34. public async Task<ICollection<T>> FindAllAsync(Expression<Func<T, bool>> match)  
  35. {  
  36. return await _context.Set<T>().Where(match).ToListAsync();  
  37. }  
  38. public virtual T Update(T t, object key)  
  39. {  
  40. if (t == null)  
  41. return null;  
  42. T exist = _context.Set<T>().Find(key);  
  43. if (exist != null)  
  44. {  
  45. _context.Entry(exist).CurrentValues.SetValues(t);  
  46. _context.SaveChanges();  
  47. }  
  48. return exist;  
  49. }  
  50. public virtual async Task<T> UpdateAsyn(T t, object key)  
  51. {  
  52. if (t == null)  
  53. return null;  
  54. T exist = await _context.Set<T>().FindAsync(key);  
  55. if (exist != null)  
  56. {  
  57. _context.Entry(exist).CurrentValues.SetValues(t);  
  58. await _context.SaveChangesAsync();  
  59. }  
  60. return exist;  
  61. }  
  62. public virtual void Save()  
  63. {  
  64. _context.SaveChanges();  
  65. }  
  66. public async virtual Task<int> SaveAsync()  
  67. {  
  68. return await _context.SaveChangesAsync();  
  69. }  
  70. public virtual IQueryable<T> FindBy(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)  
  71. {  
  72. IQueryable<T> query = _context.Set<T>().Where(predicate);  
  73. return query;  
  74. }  

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