Asp.Net Hein

Asp.Net Hein

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How to use not equal in joining of LINQ

Jun 17 2015 3:09 AM
var h = (from l in EntityBroker.getEntity().trainings
group l by new { l.IDNo } into z
where z.Where(y => y.IDNo == z.Key.IDNo).Count() >= 1
join n in EntityBroker.getEntity().members on "Singapore Citizen" equals  n.Nationality
select new { Idnumber = z.Key.IDNo });
You will see my example code... In this code I want to use ' not equal ' instead of equals.
Please don't say like "!="...... It cannot use in this statement. 
Thanks a lot for viewing my question and give me the correct answer. :-) 

Answers (2)