Sayuj Raghavan

Sayuj Raghavan

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How to use array values in Where Clause in MySQL?

Apr 18 2016 4:45 AM
Hi , this is the code which i am working on,
               public function Welcome_Students($uid)

                    $q=mysqli_query($this->db,"SELECT School_Name FROM school_teacher_reg WHERE csr='$uid'")or die(mysqli_error($this->db));
                 $q1=mysqli_query($this->db,"SELECT csr FROM school_student WHERE               sch_name='$Schoolname'")or die(mysqli_error($this->db));

                      $csr[]= $row3;     //till here i am getting the output
                      foreach($csr as $key){
                      $query=mysqli_query($this->db,"SELECT U.username,U.uid, FROM users U WHERE U.status='1' AND U.uid='$key' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10")or die(mysqli_error($this->db));
                return data;
          } }
     I have been successfull  executing till $csr[]= $row3; where i am able to fetch $csr[] array values .But when i try to fetch each values of that array in $csr[], I am unable to retrieve values from the table using  the following query inside the foreach loop
   "SELECT U.username,U.uid, FROM users U WHERE U.status='1' AND U.uid='$key' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10").

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