Manoj Maharana

Manoj Maharana

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how can i pass a string variable in json

Aug 30 2016 2:18 AM
When i got string value in obj then  return false calls and output getting null in how to solve this??
how can i pass a string variable in json?? 
Here is the code:
function EditRow(obj) {
//var jSon = JSON.stringify(obj);
//data: { "LocationId": obj },
url: "/TLocation/EditLocation/",
type: "GET",
cache: true,
//async: true,
//data: JSON.stringify({ LocationId: obj }),
//data: { "LocationId": obj },
data: { LocationId: JSON.stringify(obj) },
success: function (result) {
error: function (result) { alert(''); }
return false;

Answers (3)