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How to use a DLL

Feb 5 2004 2:56 PM
Hi I'm starting with c# now and have previouse used VB6.0. In VB I have declared the following: Declare Function Logon Lib "DBCOM" (ByVal id As String, ByVal TypeNo As Integer, ByVal NoOfArg As Integer, ArgFields As Integer, ArgValues As String) As Integer I then call the function Logon in the code, to access the logon function in the DBCOM.DLL. The code goes like this: Dim iReturnVal as integer iReturnVal = Logon("User1",3,4,3,"The args") I hope there is some smart C# brains in this forum who can help me, by telling me how I can use this Logon function placed in the DBCOM.DLL from C#. Thanks

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