sally jack

sally jack

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how to update rows in mdb data source??

May 24 2006 6:46 PM

hi everybody ,

I'm a beginner student in,and I'm working on a very small project as a homework,and I've some questions which I ought to search for their solutions via any  source .

My question, I need to make an (Update )button in most of my VB forms,which enable me to update any row elements in the datasource in Access through each form ,

for example:

I've a form about CustomersData as (Cust_No,Cust_Name,Cust_Address,Cust_Phone...etc) when the user want to update one of the customer data ,s/he will display this customer data through the search method in the form and this customer data will appear in the textboxes in the CustomersData form,then s/he will start changing any element in this row then will press the update button to update the datasource which made in access (Cars.mdb)

I tried the following code which our trainer gave us ,but it doesn't work,she herself asked us to search for the solution.So,pleeeease help me.  And if the update will be on a form related to more than one Table in the datasource ,is the code will be the same.

Dim upd As New OleDbCommand

        upd.CommandText = "update Customers set Cust_No= " & TextBox1.Text & ",Cust_Address='" & TextBox3.Text & "',Cust_Phone='" & TextBox4.Text & "'where Cust_Name='" & TextBox2.Text & "'"

        upd.Connection = OleDbConnection1




        If TextBox2.Text = "" Then

            MsgBox("There are no any data to update ,please retry.")


            MsgBox("Updating process done successfully")

        End If

    End Sub     

Also I tried this

Dim strcon As String



            strcon = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=Cars.mdb "



            Dim upd As New OleDbCommand

             upd.CommandText = "update Customers set Cust_No= " & TextBox1.Text & ",Cust_Address='" & TextBox3.Text & "',Cust_Phone='" & TextBox4.Text & "'where Cust_Name='" & TextBox2.Text & "'"            upd.Connection = connn






            If TextBox2.Text = "" Then

                MsgBox("There are no any data to update ,please retry.")





                MessageBox.Show("Updating process done successfully ")



            End If

        Catch exp As Exception


        End Try


With Thanks in advance..