Prakash Mondal

Prakash Mondal

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How to Update Multiple table records using table alias???

Apr 6 2013 11:40 PM
I create two table..

create table stupersonal (stuid varchar(20) primary key,stuaddress varchar(20),stufname varchar(20));

create table stuclass (stuid varchar(20) primary key,stuclass varchar(20),stusec varchar(20));

also insert some values...............

but, I update some value to both table.

I write...................using table alias in SQL SERVER-2005

update stupersonal sp, stuclass sc set sp.stuaddress='Kolkata',sp.stufname='Smith',sc.stuclass='X', sc.stusec='A' where sp.stuid='amit123' and sc.stuid='amit123';

but. error.......................
can't update this value to those tables.................

Please  solve this problem..............


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