ahmed elbarbary

ahmed elbarbary

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How to update colum serial where is null by max+1 ?

Mar 10 2021 3:28 AM

I work on SQL server 2012 I face issue i can't update column serial by max + 1
where is have null value on on serial column
partnumber is unique on table
so i need to get max number from serial and increment it by 1
then assign it to null on serial column

meaning any partnumber is unique and have null on serial
must have unique number on serial by max number on serial +1

for every part number
  1.  create table #test  
  2.  (  
  3.  partNumber  nvarchar(200),  
  4.  serialNumber  int  
  5.  )  
  6.  insert into #test(partNumber,serialNumber)  
  7.  values  
  8.  ('nna5',9),  
  9.  ('nfggg',20),  
  10.  ('ddfg',10),  
  11.  ('llm',NULL),  
  12.  ('109',NULL),  
  13.  ('8654',NULL),  
  14.  ('1234',30)  
  16. expected result  
  18. partNumber serialNumber  
  19. llm 31  
  20. 109 32  
  21. 8654 33  


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