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How to update a MasterClass wch inherts detail class

Feb 11 2014 12:47 PM
I have a class RegMaster which has the PackDet as a sub class

In silverlight 4 c# project I binded to the master grid RegMaster - which has master item detail
and has the PackDet (which is binded to Detail grid) the PackDet class is in a common.cs file
which is inherited for RegMaster class

RegMaster Itemsource to the top grid in a screen

RegMaster.PackDet Itemsource to the bottom grid in the same screen

If I change the qunatity in PackDet class, how I could
reflect the change in the master class (i.e RegMaster)

I show the model below here

RegMaster Grid

CheckBox OrderItemID        ItemIdItemName      ItemQuantity


Checked        1                  Paracetomol             81
NOTChecked    2                Aspirin               30


PackDet Grid


BatchNo        Quantity
#34342        45
#34342        36
AddButton         RemoveButton

When every add button is clicked PackDet class details should be save to RegMaster class.

Kindly give me the code and support if possible

Thanks for any support