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How To Understand Before Next Day is in Table

Jan 6 2016 4:50 AM
 HolidayDate is date which is in Table
 newholiday is Table Name
 Actual_Leave_To is Column Name
I Have a Code Given Below-
declare @Actual_Leave_To date= '2016-08-13'
--set @Actual_Leave_To='2016-08-13'
while (select count(1) from newholiday where Holidaydate = @Actual_Leave_To)>0
set @Actual_Leave_To = DATEADD(d,1,@Actual_Leave_To)
select @Actual_Leave_To
My Question is all  Public holiday date  in my table   newholiday so when is query running then increase 1 day in Actual_Leave_To and this cod is 
working my problem is  i declare 2016-08-13' this day and it add 1 day after running query but i want to know how it will understand when i declare
2016-08-12' next day is  2016-08-13 table and date add 2016-08-14

Answers (2)