aravinth kandasamy

aravinth kandasamy

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How to take null values when update or insert query is execu

Apr 6 2015 7:20 AM

Update tbfacilityreceiptitems set  itemID = 9345, Batchno = '' , mfgdate = 1/1/2012, expdate = 1/1/2020 , MRP =100.0000, SingleUnitPrice= 80.0000, marginPercentage = 20.00, sellingprice = 80.00, SaletaxID = 30, TaxPercentage = ? , TaxPercentage = ? , SaleTaxPercentage ='' , SaleTaxType = ' ' , sellingpricesku =?where facreceiptitemid = 2291 

Please help me for how to replace a null values in question mark place...

Please rearrange the Query

Answers (2)