modeste modeste

modeste modeste

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how to take different values in two query strings

Jul 5 2013 4:56 AM
hi i am having a problem  which is like this:
i have a link which is binded with some values and then i want to take those value to the next page using request query string 
am able to get one value but for the second value it is giving an error . can you help me?

this is the come am having:
<a Href='<%#"WebFormDoAssignment.aspx?AssignmentDscription="  + Eval("AssignmentDescription") +  "+ CoursCode="  + Eval("CourseCode") %>'>LINK TEST</a>

one the second page i  usually used 
label1.test = request.querystring["AssignmentDescription"].tostring();
when it is only one value i want to take.
but now for this case i want to know how i can get both values in different labels so that i can be able to insert differently in data base.
 am trying this but it is giving me an error: object not referenced...

label1.test = request.querystring["AssignmentDescription"].tostring();
label2.test =request.querystring["CourseCode"].tostring();

thank your for your help

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