Suhas  D

Suhas D

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How to swap Hashtable's key with Value.

Jan 16 2013 12:31 AM
How to swap Hashtable's key with Value.
I have solved it by following.
Is there any other solution?

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Hashtable hsTbl = new Hashtable();

            hsTbl.Add(1, "Suhas");
            hsTbl.Add(2, "Madhuri");
            hsTbl.Add(3, "Om");
            List<object> keyList = new List<object>();
            List<object> ValList = new List<object>();

            Console.WriteLine("Key          Value");
            foreach (DictionaryEntry item in hsTbl)
                Console.WriteLine(item.Key + "      " + item.Value);


  for (int i = 0; i < keyList.Count; i++)
                hsTbl.Add(keyList[i], ValList[i]);

//will display hashtable after swapping

            foreach (DictionaryEntry item in hsTbl)
                Console.WriteLine(item.Key + "      " + item.Value);


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