Sneha K

Sneha K

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how to store array list data into db using mvc4?

Jan 8 2016 7:15 AM
I have  six fields  TinNo, CstNo, PanNo, CinNo, ServiceTaxNo, ExciseRegNo in my view .  each field have default Guid  eg TinNo means(TinNo= FD713788-B5AE-49FF-8B2C-F311B9CB0CC4) I need to save those six fields in same column but not in same row and same cell of TaxInfoTaxField Table .  TaxInfoTaxFiled  table contain  TAXINFOTAXFIELDID, TAXFIELDID,FIELDVALUE,that is i need to save those six field values which is entered in view in FieldValue  column and their id's in TaxFieldID column .it need to save row by row . so i decided to put that default guid's in one list and fields in one list and call where we want.
My View
The Default guid is already saved in TaxField table
Need to save in format
ArrayList objValue = new ArrayList();
List<Guid> LG = new List<Guid>();
LG.Add(new Guid("FD713788-B5AE-49FF-8B2C-F311B9CB0CC4"));
LG.Add(new Guid("64B512E7-46AE-4989-A049-A446118099C4"));
LG.Add(new Guid("376D45C8-659D-4ACE-B249-CFBF4F231915"));
LG.Add(new Guid("59A2449A-C5C6-45B5-AA00-F535D83AD48B"));
LG.Add(new Guid("03ADA903-D09A-4F53-8B67-7347A08EDAB1"));
LG.Add(new Guid("2F405521-06A0-427C-B9A3-56B8931CFC57"));
var taxinfotaxfieldID = Guid.NewGuid();
var listFiled = new List<TaxInfoTaxFiled>();
for (var item = 0; item < objValue.Count; item++)
listFiled.Add(new TaxInfoTaxFiled
TaxInfoTaxFieldID = taxinfotaxfieldID,
TaxFieldID = new Guid(LG[item].ToString()),
FieldValue = objValue[item].ToString()
db.TaxInfoTaxFiled.Add(listFiled );
return View();
 All are working Fine looping is working fine it count the values. But I got error in (db.TaxInfoTaxFiled.Add(listFiled ); it show overload error near to list field .  i donno what is my error is .Any one help me to find out my error and tell m ethe problem is ?.
Advance Thanks...

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