I would like to sort in ascending order a tuple starting from its 2nd element:
List<Tuple<string, string, string>> tupleSpecial = new List<Tuple<string, string, string>>
The 2nd element of this tuple actually represents a number, it is stored here as a string, but the sorting would be done according to this 2nd element.
I have already thought of reconstructing a tuple by converting the 2nd element to an int, which would give for example:
List<Tuple<string, int, string>> tupleSpecialInt = new List<Tuple<string, int, string>>
The problem is that as this tuple has 3 elements, I don't see how to sort in ascending order this tuple according to its 2nd element.
How to sort in C# this tuple in ascending order based on its 2nd element (int)?
Thank you for your help.