How To Skip to Write The Fist Line of CSV File Into DataGridView

Apr 16 2012 2:15 PM
I am trying to run an application which is supose to present a CSV file contents in a DataGridView.The problem is the csv file contains a line (Fiist Line) which is the Title of CSV like:
Title: Titanic
James Cameron,1997,7.5,Leonardo DiCaprio,Kate Winslet
and here is my code
private void btnLoadData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    string rowValue;

    string[] cellValue;

    if (System.IO.File.Exists(txtPath.Text))


        System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(txtPath.Text);

        // Reading header

        rowValue = streamReader.ReadLine();

        cellValue = rowValue.Split(',');                

        for (int i = 0; i <= cellValue.Count() - 1; i++)


            DataGridViewTextBoxColumn column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();

            column.Name = cellValue[i];

            column.HeaderText = cellValue[i];



       // Reading content

        while (streamReader.Peek() != -1)


            rowValue = streamReader.ReadLine();

            cellValue = rowValue.Split(',');







        MessageBox.Show("No File is Selected");



 1- Can you please let me know how I can skip exporting the fist line (Title: Titanic) into the DataGridView?
2- How I can retrive the Fist line and Just the Title (Titanic) and not the "Title:" to use somehwre else?
Thanks for your time and support

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