dip s

dip s

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In Angular show records matching to search string from 50000 records

Aug 24 2020 12:53 AM
Hello All,
We have developed a web application using angular 6 and asp.net mvc5.
We have a database table in mysql which has 50,000 records.
Front end user will enter search string and records matching to that serach string will get displayed in a table to front end user.
So how to do this effectively without compromising speed of the application? 
We have more than 500 clients using this application. 
If we give call to backend or Database again and again for given search criteria then this can hamper the application speed.
Or should I get all records from database table and on front end I should show them in the table according to search criteria.
I am a bit confused, how to do this? 
What is the best/effective solution to do this without compromising speed/performance of the application?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. 

Answers (4)