Danish Habib

Danish Habib

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how to show Associated Record on edit

Feb 6 2015 1:25 AM
 Dear I have an application in which i have associated records like cascade in nature 
Tehsils-------->Populates ------->UCs

I am using three seperate table to store these records they also are related with a user so i have placed a userid as foreign key (for example i have assigned 200 villages to a user so he will be responsible for activities in these 200 villages)
on editing I get 200 Rows when i join these tables how to show checkboxlist,any other control on edit (should i populates the district(Checkboxlist or Dropdown) and then make a selection based on selected values but this is not right case because if my district id is one then i dont want to populates all the teshils but just the tehsils where district id is one so just populates those tehsil where district id is one and then pass this seleccted tehsil to uc method  to get the associated uc and same for villages by managing this in code makes my process slow .....what chould i do ??