Hi all,
We have developed a application in angular and asp.net web API.
I am developing an API in c#.net. Third party user will send request to/ hit this API with some input parameters and depending on those parameters I have to send a pdf file as a response. How can I send a PDF file as a response. I am using crystal report for reporting.
I have to convert this report to a PDF file and send as response.
Currently I am sending base64 string to angular/ client side code when this API is hit by our client. But when a third party user will send request then we have to send respnose in PDF.
cryRpt.Load("C:/Report/testreport.rpt"); cryRpt.SetDataSource(dt); // dt is a data table cryRpt.ExportToDisk(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, "C:/Report/testreport.pdf"); byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes("C:/Report/testreport.pdf"); result = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); cryRpt.Close(); cryRpt.Dispose(); File.Delete("C:/Report/testreport.pdf"); return result;
How can I send PDF file in reponse?
Thank you in advance.