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How to return dictionary with minimum value at element(0)

Jun 22 2015 5:46 AM
In the below example, how to return row have minimum value at element(0) of dictionary?
 Dictionary<int, List<string>> dictSource2 = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>
{ 1, new List<string> { "5", "Programmers" }},
{ 2, new List<string> { "12", "Testers" }},
{ 3, new List<string> { "2", "Designers" }},
I want to return the following data from above dictionary-
"2", "Designers"
I have written below:
string sminValue= dictSource.Min(pair => pair.Value.ElementAt(0))
But it returns the incorrect results.Note, my solution woks fine when value at ElementAt(0) has zero records. Can anyone guide here?

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