Thirupathi v

Thirupathi v

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How to retrive the procedure return value in

Oct 11 2008 2:24 AM

Hi I am Thiru. i am try to create the small search engine. i can retirve all the values using the below queries.


create procedure FindtestThree

@Name varchar(25),

@Location varchar(25),

@EmpId varchar(25)


select * from TbInfo where Name like + '%' + @Name + '%'

select * from TbInfo where Location like + '%' + @Location + '%'

select * from hi where ComName like + '%' + @EmpId + '%'

Exec FindtestThree 'aa','a','d'


The above Procedure will return the three table values. i need to retrive all the values in by using Dot Net application.

i can retrive the single table values by using Sqlcommand object. and other two table value should get it for me. how can i achieve this goal? is there any ideas? please give me suggestion for it


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