roy himanshu

roy himanshu

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How to retrieve the selected item data from database to Gridview using C#.

Sep 10 2009 8:24 AM

How to retrieve the selected item data from database to Gridview using C#.i past my code bellow,plz help me
void dataGridView1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
cn =
new SqlConnection("data source=server2;database=costing1;user id=sa;password=sa");
da2 =
new SqlDataAdapter("select *from CATABLE001 where column002='@column002'", cn);
ds =
new DataSet();
da2.MissingSchemaAction =
cmd =
new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = cn;
cmd.CommandType =
int sno = int.Parse(Interaction.InputBox("Enter ItemCode", "db operations", "", 50, 50));
DataRow dr = ds.Tables["CATABLE001"].Rows.Find(sno);
dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[

Answers (2)