Can anyone tell me how to retrieve record values from a datatable?.My requirement is like:
Within a for loop I am executing different stored procedures and storing records in a datatable so that i cannot specify paticular column names.i want to write the first row values of each result into a log file.(application is windows service)Code is :
DataTable dtTransID = new DataTable(); DBConnect(); string sp=" exec "+storedProcedure+" ";dtTransID =mDB.RunSp(sp);if(dtTransID.Rows.Count >0){for(i=0;i<dtTransID.Rows.Count;i++){if (storedProcedure!=null){message = message + Datetime.Now+ "\n + dtTransID.Rows[0] +, - ";message = message + dtTransID.Rows[0] + ",";Globals.log.logMessage(message);
dtTransID.Rows[0] -This line is returning 'system.data.rows' not any records.Please help me..Thanks in advance