I work on jQuery with asp.net . I face issue I can't remove row from grid view based on key AUD_RECID and P_BUDGET_YEAR .
AUD_RECID with different P_BUDGET_YEAR so I need key will be both from AUD_RECID and P_BUDGET_YEAR
SO I will have unique Value when remove row and it will remove it success based on key contain both (AUD_RECID,P_BUDGET_YEAR)
I can't add P_BUDGET_YEAR with AUD_RECID to be one key for remove this is my issue .
code below working when remove based on AUD_RECID so
my modification need add P_BUDGET_YEAR with AUD_RECID to be as key when delete
what I try as below
1- When press delete row on every row on grid view .
function ADD_AUDITORWithComplain() { var AUD_RECID = $("#ddlP_AUDITORS_CURInfo").val(); var AUD_DESC = $("#ddlP_AUDITORS_CURInfo option:selected").text(); var P_BUDGET_YEAR = $("#ddlP_BUDGET_YEAR_CUR option:selected").text(); $.ajax({ data: "{'AUD_RECID':'" + AUD_RECID + "','AUD_DESC':'" + AUD_DESC + "','P_BUDGET_YEAR':'" + P_BUDGET_YEAR + "'}", dataType: "json", success: function (Result) { CloseLoading(); $.each(Result.d, function (key, value) { if (value.Status == "1") { if (value.ADDED_AUDITORS_INFO != null) { if (value.ADDED_AUDITORS_INFO.length > 0) { $("#gvP_AUDITORS").empty(); var rowNo = 1; for (var i in value.ADDED_AUDITORS_INFO) { if (rowNo == 1) { $("#gvP_AUDITORS").append("<tr class='card-info card-header text-white text-center'><th>?</th><th>????? ????????</th><th>????? ???????</th><th></th></tr>"); } var row = "<tr align='center' id='tr" + value.ADDED_AUDITORS_INFO[i].AUD_RECID + "' class='record clickable-row'> " + "<td class='tdCount'>" + (rowNo) + "</td><td>" + value.ADDED_AUDITORS_INFO[i].AUD_DESC + "</td> <td>" + value.ADDED_AUDITORS_INFO[i].P_BUDGET_YEAR + "</td> <td>" + " <a '#' id='" + value.ADDED_AUDITORS_INFO[i].AUD_RECID + "' class='delbutton btn btn-outline-danger' onClick='DELETE_AUDITOR_CONFIRM_COMPLAIN(\"" + value.ADDED_AUDITORS_INFO[i].AUD_RECID + "\",\"" + value.ADDED_AUDITORS_INFO[i].P_BUDGET_YEAR + "\",\"" + "?? ??? ????? ?" + "\",\"" + "???? ??? ??????? : " + value.ADDED_AUDITORS_INFO[i].AUD_DESC + ", ?? ???? ???????? ?" + "\");return false;' data-toggle='tooltip' title='" + value.ADDED_AUDITORS_INFO[i].AUD_DESC + " '> ???</a>" + " </td></tr>"; row = $(row).hide(); $('#gvP_AUDITORS').append($(row)); rowNo++; $(row).fadeIn(1000); } } } $("#ddlP_AUDITORS_CURInfo").val('').trigger("chosen:updated"); ModelSuccessDanger('????? ?????', value.StatusDesc, '1', null); } else { ModelSuccessDanger('???? !!', value.StatusDesc, '0', null); } }); } }); }
2- when click yes or no for confirm dialog
function DELETE_AUDITOR_CONFIRM_COMPLAIN(AUD_RECID, P_BUDGET_YEAR, title, message) { if (custom_confirm(title, message, (ans) => { if (ans) { DELETE_AUDITOR_COMPLAIN(AUD_RECID, P_BUDGET_YEAR); return true; } else { return false; } }) == true) { return true; } else { return false; } }
3- WHEN change id for delete I need to be based on AUD_RECID and P_BUDGET_YEAR
function DELETE_AUDITOR_COMPLAIN(AUD_RECID, P_BUDGET_YEAR) { $.ajax({ contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", data: "{'AUD_RECID':'" + AUD_RECID + "','P_BUDGET_YEAR':'" + P_BUDGET_YEAR + "'}", dataType: "json", success: function (Result) { CloseLoading(); $.each(Result.d, function (key, value) { if (value.Status == "1") { if (AUD_RECID == "") { $("#gvP_AUDITORS").empty(); } else { var btnDeleteID = AUD_RECID; var record_id = $('#' + btnDeleteID).attr("id"); var tr_id = $('#' + btnDeleteID).parents(".record"); tr_id.css("background-color", "#F2DEDE"); tr_id.fadeOut(500, function () { //Remove GridView row tr_id.remove(); totalRows = $("#gvP_AUDITORS tr").length; if (totalRows < 2) { $("#gvP_AUDITORS").empty(); } var i = 1; $('#gvP_AUDITORS > tr > .tdCount').each(function () { $(this).text(i); i++; }); }); } //ModelSuccessDanger('????? ?????', value.StatusDesc, '1', null); } else { ModelSuccessDanger('???? !!', value.StatusDesc, '0', null); } }); } }); }